How to install Graylog in AWS Cloud

How to install Graylog in AWS Cloud


  • This guide outlines the process of creating a Docker-based image for setting up a Graylog cluster in AWS cloud environment.


  • MongoDB, OpenSearch, and Graylog must exist within the same VPC (or through VPC peering connections).

  • A listener for receiving logs in real-time should be load balanced from the internal NLB to the internal Graylog service's TCP_UDP 12201 port.

  • The HTTPS 443 port for external web interface access should be load balanced from the external ALB to the internal Graylog service's HTTP 9000 port.

Required Resources

  • VPC (with Private and Public Subnets)

  • MongoDB Atlas Cluster (with VPC Peering Connection)

  • OpenSearch Service Domain (with Security Group)

  • S3 Bucket (for Environment Variables)

  • Target Group (UDP 1541, UDP 12201, HTTP 9000)

  • NLB (with Security Group)

  • ALB (with Security Group)

  • Route 53

  • ECS Cluster

  • ECS Task Execution IAM Role

  • ECS Task Definition

  • ECS Service (with Security Group)


  • Graylog 5.2 requires MongoDB 5.0 or higher. Amazon DocumentDB is not supported. Setting up a cluster using MongoDB Atlas cloud is recommended. Additionally, a database named graylog must be pre-created in MongoDB, and the user account information granted readWrite, dbAdmin permissions for this database must be passed as environment variables.

      # [Method 1] MongoDB (Local or Amazon EC2)
      $ mongosh "{mongodb-uri}" --username "{root_username}" --password "{root_password}"
      > use graylog
      > db.createUser({user: '{graylog_username}', pwd: '{graylog_password}', roles: ["readWrite","dbAdmin"]})
      > exit
      # [Method 2] MongoDB Atlas
      # Authenticate MongoDB Atlas account (code entry required in browser)
      $ atlas auth login
      # Create graylog user account
      $ atlas dbusers create --username {graylog_username} --password {graylog_password} --role readWrite@{mongodb-atlas-db-name} --role dbAdmin@{mongodb-atlas-db-name} --projectId {mongodb-atlas-project-id}
  • Graylog 5.2 supports and recommends OpenSearch 2.x version. Setting up Amazon OpenSearch is recommended. (Elasticsearch 7.10 is also supported but not officially recommended.)

  • Additional settings required for Amazon OpenSearch 2.x are as follows:

# [1] compatibility.override_main_response_version: false
$ nano opensearch-settings.json
  "persistent": {
    "compatibility.override_main_response_version": false

$ curl -X PUT -d @'opensearch-settings.json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://{opensearh-uri}/_cluster/settings'
  "acknowledged": true,
  "persistent": {
    "compatibility": {
      "override_main_response_version": "false"
  "transient": {}

# [2] rest.action.multi.allow_explicit_index: true
Amazon OpenSearch Console > Edit Cluster Configuration > Advanced Cluster Settings
- Check [Allow APIs that can span multiple indices and bypass index-specific access policies]
- Max clause count: 1024 (enter)
- Click [Dry Run]
- Click [Save Changes]

Creating a MongoDB Atlas User

MongoDB Atlas Console

# Security
→ Click [Database Access]

# Add New Database User
→ Authentication Method: Select [Password]

# Password Authentication
→ Username: {your-graylog-mongodb-username}
→ Password: {your-graylog-mongodb-password}

# Database User Privileges
→ Built-in Role: Select [Atlas admin]

# Restrict Access to Specific Clusters/Federated Database Instances/Stream Processing Instances
→ Grant Access To: Check {your-graylog-mongodb-cluster}

→ Click [Create User]

Creating an OpenSearch Security Group

  • Below is an example of creating a Security Group for OpenSearch.
Amazon EC2 Console
→ [Security Groups]
→ [Create security group]
→ Security group name: GRAYLOG-OPENSEARCH-SG
→ VPC: {your-vpc}
# Inbound rules
→ [Add rule]
→ Type: Select [HTTPS]
→ CIDR: {your-vpc-cidr}
→ [Create]

Creating an OpenSearch Service Domain

  • Below is an example of creating a low-spec OpenSearch Service Domain for development purposes.
Amazon OpenSearch Console
→ [Domains] → [Create domain]

# Name
→ Domain name: graylog

# Domain creation method
→ Domain creation method: Select [Standard create]

# Templates
→ Templates: Select [Dev/test]

# Deployment option(s)
→ Deployment option(s): Select [Domain without standby]
→ Availability Zone(s): Select [1-AZ]

# Engine options
→ Version: Select [2.13 (latest)]

# Data nodes
→ Instance family: [General purpose]
→ Instance type: []
→ Number of nodes: 3
→ Storage type: [EBS]
→ EBS volume type: [General Purpose (SSD) - gp3]
→ EBS storage size per node: 1024

# Dedicated master nodes
→ Instance type: []
→ Number of master nodes: 3

# Network
→ Network: Select [VPC access]
→ IP address type: Select [IPv4 only]
→ VPC: {your-vpc}
→ Subnets: {your-private-subnet}
→ Security groups: {your-opensearch-security-group}

# Fine-grained access control
→ Uncheck [Enable fine-grained access control]

# Access policy
→ Domain access policy: [Only use fine-grained access control]

# Summary
→ [Create]


  • Write the Dockerfile as follows. (The current latest version can be checked at this link.) As an option, the Slack plugin, which is not present in the base image, has been added.
EXPOSE 12201
USER root
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install wget -y
RUN wget
COPY graylog-plugin-slack-3.1.0.jar /usr/share/graylog-server/plugin
USER graylog

Generating Admin Account Password

  • Generate the Secret and Hash values to be entered in the environment variables below for creating an admin account password.
$ sudo pwgen -N 1 -s 96

# Creating GRAYLOG_ROOT_PASSWORD_SHA2 (to be used as the admin account password upon first login)
$ echo -n "Enter Password: " && head -1 </dev/stdin | tr -d '\n' | sha256sum | cut -d" " -f1
Enter Password: *****

Environment Variables

  • Write the environment variables to be passed to the container as follows:

Creating an NLB Target Group

  • It's time to create a Target Group that will receive logs sent via UDP within the same VPC.
Amazon EC2 Console
→ [Load Balancing] → [Target Groups]
→ [Create target group]
→ Choose a target type: [IP addresses]
→ Target group name: GRAYLOG-TG-12201
→ Protocol: [TCP_UDP]
→ Port: 12201
→ VPC: {your-vpc}
# Health checks
→ Health check protocol: [HTTP]
→ Health check path: /api
→ Health check port: [Override] → 9000
→ Healthy threshold: 10
→ Unhealthy threshold: 10
→ Timeout: 59
→ Interval: 60
→ Success codes: 200
→ [Create target group]
  • Since UDP does not support health checks, we specified the GraylogAPI endpoint as an alternative.

NLB Target Group Settings

  • The TCP_UDP 12201 port provided by Graylog should be load balanced by creating an NLB. The attributes of the target group should be set as follows:
- Terminate connections on deregistration: Select [Enabled]
- Deregistration delay: Enter [30 seconds]
- Proxy protocol v2: [Disabled]
- Turn on Stickiness: Select [Enabled]
  • When an existing Graylog instance is terminated due to deployment or other actions, it will be removed from the load balancer's target group after a grace period set by the Deregistration delay option, depending on the Connection termination on deregistration option. Since UDP logging does not check for the failure of the destination connection, enabling the Connection termination on deregistration option is essential to prevent logs from being sent to non-existent instances.

  • If the final compressed size of a log in UDP logging exceeds 8,192 bytes, Chunking is activated to split the packet into multiple parts for transmission. The Stickiness option must be enabled to ensure that split logs are not distributed but sent to a specific instance.

Creating an ALB Target Group

  • It's time to create a Target Group to receive browser traffic to Graylog from outside the VPN.
Access Amazon EC2 Console
→ [Load Balancing] → [Target Groups]
→ [Create target group]
→ Choose a target type: Select [IP addresses]
→ Target group name: GRAYLOG-TG-9000
→ Protocol: [HTTP]
→ Port: 9000
→ VPC: {your-vpc}
→ Protocol version: HTTP1
→ Health check protocol: HTTP
→ [Create target group]

Creating the ALB Security Group

  • The Security Group for the ALB should include a list of sources that are allowed to access the Graylog Web Interface and Graylog REST API from the public internet. The following example shows a configuration where everything is allowed:
Access Amazon EC2 Console
→ [Security Groups] → [Create security group]
→ Security group name: GRAYLOG-ALB-SG
→ Description: GRAYLOG-ALB-SG
→ VPC: {your-vpc}
# Inbound rules
→ [Add rule]
→ Type: [HTTPS]
→ [Add rule]
→ Type: [HTTPS]
→ CIDR: ::/0
→ [Create security group]

Creating the ALB

  • The ALB routes traffic from HTTPS 443 on the public internet to HTTP 9000 within the internal VPC.
Access Amazon EC2 Console
→ [Load Balancing] → [Load Balancers] → [Create load balancer]
→ Load Balancer type: [Application Load Balancer]
→ Load balancer name: GRAYLOG-ALB
→ VPC: {your-vpc}
→ Mappings: {your-vpc-subnets}
→ Security groups: [GRAYLOG-ALB-SG]
→ Listener → Protocol: [HTTPS] → Port: 443 → Default action: [GRAYLOG-TG-9000]
→ Certificate: {your-acm-certificate}
→ [Create load balancer]

Creating the Route 53 Record for ALB

  • The ALB's CNAME is mapped to a domain owned by Route 53.
Access Amazon Route 53 Console
→ Hosted zones → {your-domain} → [Create record]
→ Record name: graylog
→ Record type: CNAME
→ Value: {your-alb-domain}.
→ [Create record]

Creating the ECS Cluster

  • Create an ECS Cluster for actually serving Graylog.
Amazon ECS Console → Cluster → [Create cluster]
→ Infrastructure: [AWS Fargate (serverless)]
→ Check [Use Container insights]
→ [Create]

Creating ECS IAM Task Execution Role

  • The Task Execution Role in ECS defines the policies needed to start Docker containers.
Amazon IAM Console → Roles → [Create role]
→ Trusted entity type: [AWS service]
→ Use case: [Elastic Container Service Task]
→ [Create role]

→ [Add permissions]
→ [Attach policies]
→ [AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly], [AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess], [CloudWatchLogsFullAccess]
→ [Add permissions]

Creating ECS IAM Task Role

  • The Task Role in ECS defines the policies needed by the Graylog application to run after the Docker containers have started.
Amazon IAM Console → Roles → [Create role]
→ Trusted entity type: [AWS service]
→ Use case: [Elastic Container Service Task]
→ [Create role]

# Add IAM Task Role policies
-> [Add permissions]
-> [Attach policies]
-> [AmazonOpenSearchServiceFullAccess]
-> [Add permissions]

Creating the ECS Task Definition

  • In the ECS Task Definition, you can set specifications and auto-scaling policies for the Graylog service.
Access Amazon ECS Console → Task definitions → [Create new task definition]
# Task definition configuration
→ Task definition family: GRAYLOG-ECS-TASK-DEFINITION
# Infrastructure requirements
→ Launch type: [AWS Fargate]
→ Operating system/Architecture: [Linux/X86_64]
→ CPU: [2 VCPU]
→ Memory: [4 GB]
→ Task execution role: [GRAYLOG-ECS-TASK-EXECUTION-ROLE]
# Container details
→ Image URI: graylog/graylog:5.2.6
→ Container Port: 9000 → Protocol: TCP → App protocol: [HTTP]
→ Container Port: 1541 → Protocol: UDP
→ Container Port: 12201 → Protocol: UDP
# Environment variables
→ Location: {your-graylog-env-s3-arn}
→ [Create]
# HealthCheck
→ Command: CMD-SHELL, wget -q || exit 1
→ Interval: 30
→ Timeout: 60
→ Start period: 60
→ Retries: 10

Creating the ECS Security Group

  • Graylog requires communication between nodes, so port 9000 must be opened within the same VPC. Additionally, it must receive UDP logs from applications within the same VPC, so referencing the NLB's SG is necessary.
Amazon EC2 Console
→ [Security Groups]
→ [Create security group]
→ Security group name: GRAYLOG-ECS-SERVICE-SG
→ VPC: {your-vpc}
# Inbound rules
→ [Add rule]
→ Type: [TCP 9000]
→ [Add rule]
→ Type: [TCP 9000]
→ CIDR: → {your-vpc-cidr}
→ [Add rule]
→ Type: [UDP 1541]
→ [Add rule]
→ Type: [UDP 12201]

Creating the ECS Service

  • Creating the ECS Service completes the final setup of the Graylog infrastructure.

  • The ECS Service requires using the AWS CLI to configure a list of Target Groups that are mapped to different load balancers. Additionally, a Service-linked role called AWSServiceRoleForECS is automatically set as the IAM Task Role.

  "cluster": "GRAYLOG-ECS-CLUSTER",
  "serviceName": "GRAYLOG-ECS-SERVICE",
  "taskDefinition": "{your-ecs-task-definition-arn}",
  "loadBalancers": [
      "targetGroupArn": "{your-alb-target-group}",
      "containerName": "GRAYLOG-ECS-CONTAINER",
      "containerPort": 9000
      "targetGroupArn": "{your-nlb-target-group}",
      "containerName": "GRAYLOG-ECS-CONTAINER",
      "containerPort": 1541
      "targetGroupArn": "{your-nlb-target-group}",
      "containerName": "GRAYLOG-ECS-CONTAINER",
      "containerPort": 12201
  "desiredCount": 2,
  "launchType": "FARGATE",
  "platformVersion": "1.4.0",
  "schedulingStrategy": "REPLICA",
  "networkConfiguration": {
    "awsvpcConfiguration": {
      "subnets": [
      "securityGroups": [
      "assignPublicIp": "DISABLED"

$ aws ecs create-service --region "{your-region}" --cli-input-json "file://GRAYLOG-ECS-SERVICE.json"

Local Environment Startup

  • Below is an example of running Graylog in a local environment for testing purposes using Docker Compose. Once executed, access to the Graylog Web Interface is available via a browser at localhost:9000.
# Writing the Docker Compose file
$ nano docker-compose.yml
version: '3.8'

    driver: bridge

    image: mongo:7.0.7
    container_name: mongodb
    restart: always
      - "27017:27017"
      - graylog
      - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME={mongodb-root-username}
      - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD={mongodb-root-password}

    image: opensearchproject/opensearch:latest
    container_name: opensearch
    restart: always
      - "9200:9200"
      - "9600:9600"
      - graylog
      - discovery.type=single-node
      - OPENSEARCH_USERNAME={opensearch-username}
      - OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD={opensearch-password}
      - OPENSEARCH_INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD={opesearch-initial-admin-password}

    image: graylog/graylog:5.2.5
    container_name: graylog
    restart: always
      - mongodb
      - opensearch
      - mongodb
      - opensearch
      - "9000:9000"
      - "12201:12201/udp"
      - "12201:12201/tcp"
      - graylog
      - GRAYLOG_MONGODB_URI=mongodb://{mongodb-graylog-username}:{mongodb-graylog-password}@
      - GRAYLOG_ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS=http://{opensearch-username}:{opensearch-password}@

# Run Graylog as a background process
$ docker-compose up -d

References and Further Reading